Academic Catalog

Communication (COMM)

COMM 100:  3 s.h.  
Fundamentals of Speech  

Required fundamentals course in general education. An introductory study of the principles of public speaking with particular emphasis upon the selection and organization of information for persuasive purposes. Satisfies competency requirement.

COMM 100H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs:Fundamentals of Speech  

Required fundamentals course in general education. An introductory study of the principles of public speaking with particular emphasis upon the selection and organization of information for persuasive purposes. Satisfies competency requirement.

COMM 101:  3 s.h.  
Introduction to Communication  (G1)  

Focuses on the role of communication in everyday life. Emphasis on how communication shapes the construction of meaning, the maintenance of community and relationships, and various means of interconnection. Offered in fall, spring.

COMM 121:  3 s.h.  
Intro to Media Arts Production  

Audio and video production fundamentals, techniques and uses. Includes study of the production process and hands-on production assignments in both audio and video. Laboratory work required. Offered in fall, winter, spring.

COMM 121H:  3 s.h.  
Hon:Intro to Media Arts Produc  
COMM 179:  3 s.h.  


COMM 201:  3 s.h.  
Theory of Communication  (G1)  

Focuses on the different approaches to the study of communication as a discipline. Emphasis on both historical and current scholarship in the field through diverse means of inquiry. Prereq: C- or better in COMM 100 and COMM 101

COMM 203:  3 s.h.  
Small Group Communication  (D, G1, W)  

Emphasis on the theory and practice of small group communication and problem solving. Group formation, teamwork, leadership, decision making in groups, group conflict, digital collaboration, and other concepts will be explored. A collaborative group service learning project and course activities will reinforce course concepts. Offered periodically. Prereq: ENGL 110.

COMM 206:  3 s.h.  
Communication and Media Law  (G1)  

The legal parameters of freedom of expression under the U.S. legal system. Students explore legal and ethical issues related to media systems, organizational communication, public relations and theatre. Offered in fall or spring.

COMM 217:  3 s.h.  
Interpersonal Communication  (G1)  

Combines theory and experiential application of interpersonal communication in face-to-face and digital contexts. Provide students with a means to analyze interpersonal relationships and skills to integrate more effective communication strategies in their lives both online and offline. Offered periodically. Prereq: COMM 100.

COMM 220:  3 s.h.  
Survey of Media  (G1)  

A review of media in America and discussion of the historical, social, cultural, and technological forces that shape them and an evaluation of media criticisms.

COMM 224:  3 s.h.  
Organizational Communication 1  

A survey of the major theoretical approaches to the field and applications to specific organizational issues. Explores the scope and history of organizational communication. Offered in fall. Prereq: COMM 201.

COMM 225:  3 s.h.  
Nonprofit Sector Communication  (G1)  

Explores the design, management and functioning of nonprofit/civil society organizations, with an emphasis on communication theories and processes. Highlights practices unique to these organizations, with an emphasis on enabling students to establish, run and support them. Offered periodically.

COMM 227:  3 s.h.  
Movements & Digital Activism  (D, G1, W)  

Focuses on the role of digital communication in understanding how commitment and participation, otherness and identity, conflict and cohesiveness intersect in social movement activism. This course surveys the major social movements of the 20th and 21st Century with special attention to their use of communication technologies. Students will research and/or participate in specific social movement organizations of their choosing.

COMM 230:  3 s.h.  
International Broadcasting  (W)  

Devoted to the cross-cultural study of the World Broadcasting Systems as an introduction to international electronic media. The course compares the ways in which the media are organized in other countries with that of the United States of America. Offered periodically. Prereq: ENGL 110; COMM majors; INTL majors, minors; or permission of instructor.

COMM 251:  3 s.h.  
Public Relations I: Intro to Principles & Theory  (G1)  

This first of a 4-course sequence covers the history, principles and current practices of public relations. Series must be taken sequentially. Offered in fall, spring.

COMM 279:  3 s.h.  


COMM 300:  1-12 s.h.  
Co-Op Ed Experience in Comm  

Coop/ Internship in Communication

COMM 301:  3 s.h.  
Communication Research  (W)  

A survey of research methods for the study of problems in communication. Students define a research problem, survey and critique relevant literature, and design a research strategy using various research paradigms. Majors should take this course in the junior year. Prereq: ENGL 110, COMM 201. COMM 201 and COMM 301 may be taken concurrently. However, if COMM 301 is taken after taking COMM 201, a grade of C- or higher is required in COMM 201.

COMM 301H:  3 s.h.  
H:Communction Research  (W)  

H:Communction Research

COMM 305:  3 s.h.  
Business and Professional Communication  

Advanced principles of public speaking in a professional setting. Covers organization and adaptation of speech materials, effective presentation styles, forms of proof. Offered periodically. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110 and junior status.

COMM 317:  3 s.h.  
Intercultural Communication  (D, P)  

Explores the possibilities of communication between and among diverse cultures. Close study of cultural codes, symbolic interaction, nonverbal behavior and contexts of intercultural contact. Develops an understanding and appreciation of human diversity and competence in intercultural communication practices. Offered periodically. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110 and junior standing.

COMM 317H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Intercultural Communication  (D, P)  
COMM 320:  3 s.h.  
Radio Production  

Theory and production of various types of audio production using basic studio equipment. Laboratory work required. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: COMM 121.

COMM 320H:  3 s.h.  
H:Radio Production  

H:Radio Production

COMM 321:  3 s.h.  
Television Production  

Theory and application of various phases of studio operation and editing in television production. Laboratory work required. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: COMM 121.

COMM 321H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs: TV Production 1  
COMM 322:  3 s.h.  
Media Aesthetics & Criticism  

Examination and analysis of the processes and products of various media industries, theories, methodologies, and aesthetics, with a focus on understanding and learning to critique the ways in which the media, their texts, and audiences exist within a set of increasingly complex relationships. Prereq: COMM 220, COMM 101, or JRNL 250 (formerly ENGL 250).

COMM 323:  3 s.h.  
Producing for Digital Media  

Producing For Digital Media is designed to provide career-ready digital media producing experiences, practicing the many facets of digital content creation for the converged environment including producing in the live television studio, shooting and editing on location, creating in the media production workspace, and publishing to the web. Prereqs: COMM 121 and COMM 321 or COMM 325.

COMM 326:  3 s.h.  
Media Writing: News  (W)  

Basic news writing and reporting, stressing electronic media. Offered in fall. Prereq: ENGL 110 or permission of instructor.

COMM 327:  3 s.h.  
Media Writing: Fiction  (W)  

Emphasis on the writing of dramatic scripts with selective production. Offered in spring. Prereq: ENGL 110

COMM 330:  3 s.h.  
Media and Women's Culture  (D, P)  

The course focuses on the role of the media in the creation and reproduction of culture. It examines how gender, race and class are constructed in media texts, and how women in various social and cultural positions negotiate their own meanings in relation to media portrayals. Offered periodically. Prereq: junior status, COMM 100, ENGL 110.

COMM 333:  3 s.h.  
Gender and Communication  (D)  

Examines theoretical explanations for the social construction of gendered identity. Considers everyday communication practices and contexts to identify how gender, communication and culture intersect to form the complex matrix of meaning which impacts individuals and society. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110 and junior standing.

COMM 335:  3 s.h.  
Comm & Emerging Technologies  (G1, W)  

This course focuses on the implications, for individuals and for society as a whole, of the most important new information and communication technologies. Students will acquire an understanding of the role technologies have played in their lives and the impact they have in their future careers.

COMM 337:  3 s.h.  
Documentary Film I: Concepts  (D)  

Focuses on the history and theory of documentary films. Through readings, screenings, and discussions, the course will provide students with a historical and theoretical understanding of documentary filmmaking and prepare them for more advanced production courses. The students will also explore their own documentary ideas and develop an outline and treatment.

COMM 351:  3 s.h.  
Public Relations II: Public Relations Writing  (W)  

Hands-on practice in writing news releases for print and broadcast, brochure and newsletter copy, and pitching story ideas to trade editors. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: COMM 251, ENGL 110.

COMM 371:  3 s.h.  
Crisis Emergency & Risk Comm  (P)  

This course examines communication challenges faced by public relations practitioners, public information officers, first responders, public health officials, business, government and community benefit leaders, as well as others involved in local, state, and national crisis, emergency, disaster and risk situations. With a focus on appropriate communication message/response strategies and effective use of various communication channels, the course covers theoretical foundations helpful for developing communication plans for pre-, current-, and post-event communication.

COMM 371H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Crisis Emerg & Risk Comm  (P)  
COMM 379:  3 s.h.  


COMM 380:  3 s.h.  
Digital Media Writing  (W)  

Writing and design course focusing on construction of promotional messages for digital media. Students will complete several projects, including critique of publication and web designs; planning and production of print and electronic publications; website writing and layout. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: ENGL 110 and junior standing.

COMM 390:  3 s.h.  
Social Media Campaigns  (G1)  

This course emphasizes theory and practice in the strategic planning, writing, communication design, management and analysis of social media campaigns for mobile communications, social media, and online social networking. Prereg: ENGL 110, COMM 100, Junior status (60 credits earned)

COMM 400:  3-12 s.h.  
Co-Op Ed Experience in Comm  

Coop/ Internship in Communication

COMM 400H:  3-12 s.h.  
Co-Op Ed Experience in Comm  

Honors Co-op/Internship in Communication

COMM 401:  3 s.h.  
Critical-Cultural Studies in Communication  

Reciprocal influences of communication on culture and culture on communication. Messages, meanings and culture are approached from several critical standpoints. Prereq: C- or higher in COMM 101, 201 and 301. C- or higher in COMM 401 to count toward fulfilling graduation requirements in the major.

COMM 401H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs: Critical-Cultural Studies in Communication  

Honors Critical-Cultural Studies in Communication

COMM 403:  3 s.h.  
Persuasion & Social Media Infl  

Persuasive speaking from both the modern and classical points of view. Introduces students to classic forms and elements of persuasion as well as the latest research in persuasive communication and social media influence, including such issues as digital communication and algorithmic persuasion, celebrity culture, and emotional labor. Examines the function of persuasion in a variety of contexts and analyzes a series of recent public communication events for both their persuasive efficacy and ethics. Offered in fall or spring. Prereq: COMM 301.

COMM 421:  3 s.h.  
Advanced Television Production  

An advanced lecture-demonstration-laboratory application of the various phases of electronic field production, with special attention to directing and advanced editing techniques. Offered in spring. Prereq: COMM 321.

COMM 421H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs: TV Production 2  
COMM 422:  3 s.h.  
Adv Radio Prod: Podcasting  

Provides students with a comprehensive background in all aspects of podcast production. Promotes critical thinking/listening skills and emphasizes advanced level storytelling mechanics. Analysis of best practices for distribution, marketing, monetization, and audience analytics. Lecture/lab course design. Offered periodically. Prereq: COMM 121

COMM 425:  3 s.h.  
Broadcast News Reporting  

Style and other basics of radio and television news. Includes collecting data, writing stories, editing and producing video for campus cable TV station. Laboratory work required. Offered in fall. Prereq: COMM 321

COMM 429:  3 s.h.  
Topics in Communication  

Content varies. Selected communication perspectives on relevant academic and professional topics examined in depth. Potential topics include: sports communication, argumentation and debate, media entrepreneurship, international public relations, philosophies of communication, new media and culture, power, ideology and discourse. Prereq: Junior status or permission of instructor.

COMM 429H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Special Topics:  
COMM 431:  3 s.h.  
The Body in Communication  (P)  

Focuses on the ways that bodies communicate other than verbally, and how this process of embodied communication plays an active role in our sense of belonging and difference as well as gives shape to the ongoing negotiations between culture and nature. Offered periodically. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110 and junior standing.

COMM 431H:  3 s.h.  
HNRS:Body in Communication  (P)  
COMM 437:  3 s.h.  
Documentary Filmmaking II  

This course focuses on the practical and technical aspects of documentary filmmaking. Students will produce their own documentaries that incorporate appropriate approaches ans styles as well as advanced storytelling techniques.

COMM 440:  3 s.h.  
Leadership and Media  

An introduction to the study and practice of leadership from a media perspective. Particular focus on the relationship between communicating and leading. Examination of leadership concepts and theories in organizational, group and public contexts. Students will analyze their personal leadership styles and develop leadership communication skills through team projects and classroom exercises. Offered periodically. Prereq: junior standing.

COMM 441:  3 s.h.  
Political Communication  (G1, W)  

Contemporary American political rhetoric focusing on national politics. Content varies. During election years, content includes campaign rhetoric, advertising and debates. In other years, the focus is administrative rhetoric and the interaction of Congress with the President on domestic and foreign affairs. Offered periodically. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110; junior status or permission of instructor.

COMM 450:  3 s.h.  
Communication and Conflict  (D, P)  

Explores the communicative processes inherent in the development and management of conflict at various social levels. Highlights the various influences on how people manage conflicts at the interpersonal, intercultural, organizational and societal levels with face-to-face and mediated modes of communication. Focuses on specific approaches to managing and resolving conflict, including mediation, negotiation, arbitration, facilitation, and peacebuilding. Offered infrequently. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110, junior standing.

COMM 450H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs: Communication and Conflict  (D, P)  

Honors Communication and Conflict

COMM 451:  3 s.h.  
Public Relations Issues  

Analysis of various organizations' public relations problems and communicative responses. Third in a 4-course sequence. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: C or higher in COMM 301, COMM 351 or permission of instructor.

COMM 451H:  3 s.h.  
H:Public Relations Issues  
COMM 452:  3 s.h.  
Public Relations Campaigns  

Hands-on practice in public relations problem solving. Involves work in student-run "agencies" to develop and implement a public relations campaign for a nonprofit organization. Capstone course in public relations. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: COMM 451.

COMM 461:  3 s.h.  
Health Communication  (P)  

Focuses on the forms and functions of human interaction in a variety of health care settings, and on the ways that mediated messages promote and reinforce certain health values, beliefs, practices and products. Emphasizes the role of cultural context on the construction and interpretation of health-related messages. Offered periodically. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110, junior standing.

COMM 479:  3 s.h.  


COMM 480:  3 s.h.  
Topics in Media:  

Advanced, innovative ore exploratory work in media production or a detailed investigation on a topic of current interest in digital media and broadcasting. Investigation of one or more topics that vary according to needs and interests of students and staff. Offered periodically. May be taken for credit more than once as the topics change. Prereq: COMM 121 and Junior Standing or Instructor Permission.

COMM 489:  1-4 s.h.  
Honors Course  

Honors Course

COMM 498:  1-4 s.h.  
Independent Study  

For the definition of independent study and student eligibility, refer to the Academic Policies section of this catalog.

COMM 499:  1-4 s.h.  
Departmental Honors  

Departmental Honors

COMM 499H:  1-4 s.h.  
Hon: Dept Honors  
COMM 500:  3-12 s.h.  
Co-Op Ed Experience in Comm  

Coop/ Internship in Communication

COMM 605:  3 s.h.  
Comm Research Proseminar  

A survey and application of research methods for managers and communicators. Students will investigate appropriate literature, design and undertake a study to investigate a communication problem in their profession. Quantitative and qualitative analyses will be considered with a focus on multi-method approaches to research. Class participants will determine how best to measure and analyze data specific to their hypotheses and/or research questions.

COMM 610:  3 s.h.  
Seminar in Organizational Comm  

The course introduces students to fundamental theories and issues associated with organizational communication, including organizational culture/climate as created by internal/external communication in interpersonal, small group, intercultural, and public communication contexts, exploring the impacts of communication in both face-to-face and mediated formats.

COMM 625:  3 s.h.  
Intercultural Comm in Contexts  

This course is designed to introduce major theories and research dealing with communication between people of different cultural backgrounds in crisis, emergency, risk, and disaster communication contexts. It examines theoretical issues and methodological concerns in studying intercultural conflicts, problem situations, and emergency management strategies. By examining the intersections of global and local in emergent and conflict situations, students will discover and investigate questions about intercultural communication phenomena, engaging with discussions of identity, culture, context, power, history, and relationships. Students will learn a range of research tools to conduct their independent research, sharing insights and participating in intercultural dialogues, with the goal of facilitating intercultural understanding and advocating for best practices during emergency management situations.

COMM 627:  3 s.h.  
Digital Advocacy  

This course focuses on the ways that digital technologies and social media increasingly shape the contemporary impact of social movements and political activism. Bringing together cultural studies approaches to communication and social movement theories with historical attention to protest and social change, this course considers what ii means to 'become-activist' and how to serve as an advocate for social-political change as an ongoing aspect of one's everyday life. Hence, the course will explore matters such as commitment and participation, place and identity, conflict and group cohesion, and the social justice issues that arise in regard to race, class, gender, ethnicity, disability rights, immigration and refugees, environmentalism, animal rights, and global activism. As part of the MS program in Emergency Management, the course will also consider the impact of digital advocacy in crisis, emergency, risk and disaster contexts.

COMM 653:  3 s.h.  
Applied Comm Theory  

This course is designed as an opportunity to apply communication theories, concepts, principles, pedagogies, and practices to address real-world problems in crisis, emergency, risk, and disaster contexts. Whether it is at the interpersonal, group, mediated, organizational, societal, or global level, communication theories can help postgraduate students understand and investigate important issues and concerns. While the main focus of the course is to introduce communication theories and apply them in students' experiences of crisis, risks, and emergency management, it also employs critical and practical perspectives in evaluating current theoretical trends and creating new currents of thoughts in research and paradigms. Postgraduate students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills to improve their practices during emergency management and provide valuable services to the community at large.

COMM 661:  3 s.h.  
Health Communication  

This course focuses on forms and functions of communication in a variety of health care settings and on messages in human and mediated communication contexts that promote and reinforce health values, beliefs, practices, policies, and products. This course prepares students to examine the specialized research in health communication in this growing area of scholarship that receives recognition at the national level. II works to advance theory, research, teaching, and practical applications of human and mediated communication to health care and health promotion. Students will also examine how cultures influence the construction and interpretation of health-related messages. As part of the Master of Science in Emergency Management, the course will include a focus on crisis, emergency, risk, and disaster contexts.