Academic Catalog

Envir Hazards and Emrgncy Mgmt (EHEM)

EHEM 201:  3 s.h.  
Introduction to Emergency Management  (G3)  

An introduction into all aspects of emergency management from the origins through the civil defense era to the present day with a look towards the future of the global aspect of emergency management. Students will learn the basics of emergency management, how to function as an effective emergency manager and how to manage an emergency management agency. Prereq: ENGL 110.

EHEM 201H:  3 s.h.  
H:Intro to Emergency Mgmt  (G3)  
EHEM 205:  3 s.h.  
Natural Hazards Risk Assessment and Mitigation  

An exploration of risk assessment methodologies for natural disasters, review of natural hazard mitigation and its role in disaster management; analysis of past and current government and private sector programs; and an examination of new approaches. Natural hazard mitigation implementation approaches including those in the form of community-wide programs and to relate the hazard mitigation processes to disaster planning.

EHEM 205H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Hazards Assmt & Mitigatn  
EHEM 300:  3-12 s.h.  
Co-Op Ed Experience in EHEM  

Co-Op Ed Experience in EHEM

EHEM 305:  3 s.h.  
Disaster Management & Community Risk Reduction  (G3)  

Study of current trends of building disaster resilient and disaster resistant communities to prevent the size of the devastation from these disasters. An examination into prevalent legislation that controls and shapes both building construction and land use planning, technological advances for building a disaster resistant community and legal issues of community planning. Prereq: EHEM 201

EHEM 305H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Dis Mgmt & Comm Risk Redu  (G3)  
EHEM 309:  3 s.h.  
Disaster Response & Recovery  

An in-depth treatment of emergency management practices as it applies to local, state, tribal, territorial, and federal disaster response in the context of short-term and long-term community recovery. The disaster response and recovery efforts will be addressed with a foundation of statutory requirements, key concepts, core principles, roles and responsibilities of leadership ranging from the individual to the Federal government and across the public, private, and the non-profit sectors.

EHEM 309H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Disaster Resp/Recovery  
EHEM 315:  3 s.h.  
Business Continuity and Continuity of Operations  

Critical dependence of private and public organizations on disaster vulnerable technologies and operations as a result of natural and man-made disasters. Students will have the opportunity to review the contemporary plan development strategies and methodologies and to produce working plans that provide preventive measures to minimize the impact of all disasters and provide an organized response to ensure continuity of operations. Concepts of business continuity management system consisting of risk identification and mitigation, business impact analysis, development of continuity strategies, training and awareness, plan creation, maintenance and testing will be emphasized.

EHEM 316:  3 s.h.  
Intro to Terrorism, WMD and Homeland Security  (G3)  

An introduction into all aspects of terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and homeland security in our modern world. A study of the overall history of terrorism, legislation that oversees emergency management, and various methods for combating terrorism. How to manage an emergency mangement agency through modern age terrorism threats. Prereq: EHEM 201.

EHEM 319:  3 s.h.  
Emergency Management Planning  

Provides students with an in-depth analysis of planning methodologies and constructs as well as pitfalls and limiting factors in the development and execution of emergency management plans at the strategic, operational and tactical levels. Pre-requisite EHEM 201

EHEM 329:  3 s.h.  
Special Topics in Emergency Management  

In-depth investigation and development of one or more topics of current or emerging not addressed as part of the existing curriculum. Prereq: EHEM 201 or EHEM 205

EHEM 393:  3 s.h.  
Field Experience Practicum  

A capstone experience in which emergency-management knowledge and skills are applied and integrated within a field experience. Those already working within an emergency-management-related career can use their current position as the basis for completing a project applicable to enhancing their current skills and applying best practices. For BS Emergency Management majors and Environmental Hazards and Emergency management minors only. Senior level and 18 credits in EHEM courses required. Permission of instructor required to enroll.

EHEM 400:  3-12 s.h.  
Co-Op Ed Experience in EHEM  

Co-Op Ed Experience in EHEM

EHEM 489:  1-3 s.h.  
EHEM 498:  1-4 s.h.  
Ind Stdy:  

Ind Stdy:

EHEM 499:  1-3 s.h.  
Hnrs Thesis: