Academic Catalog

Humanities (HUMN)

HUMN 110:  3 s.h.  
French Fairy Tales  (G1)  

An exploration of a major literary and cultural tradition still greatly influential in modern literature and films. Class will focus on Charles Perrault, the seventeenth century recorder of a number of well-known fairy tales such as Little Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty; Madame d'Aulnoy, one of the most prolific French fairy-tale writers of the seventeenth century; and Madame le prince de Beaumont, author of the Beauty and the Beast. Modern adaptations of Perrault's fairy tales in films, literature, music and/or art will be discussed. Finally students will be asked to read articles chosen to represent a wide variety of critical approaches to fairy tales. Class will consist of lectures and interactive activities.

HUMN 163:  3 s.h.  
Latin and Greek Terminology  (G1)  

Latin and Greek components in English words. Study of prefixes, suffixes and roots integrated with the combinative principles, orthography and pronunciation of general and scientific vocabulary. Attention given to the history of the classical element in English. No prior knowledge of Latin and Greek required. Offered infrequently.

HUMN 179:  2-3 s.h.  


HUMN 202:  3 s.h.  
Classical Mythology  (G1)  

Major mythological materials from Greek and Roman civilization. Analysis and interpretation of myth together with its symbolic, allegorical and psychological implications, and its treatment in art and literature from classical to modern times. Offered annually.

HUMN 210:  3 s.h.  
French Literature in English  (G1, W)  

Outstanding masterpieces taught in English by an instructor of French. Designed primarily as an elective for nonmajors desirous of enriching their knowledge of foreign literature. Offered periodically. Prereq: ENGL 110.

HUMN 210H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs:French Lit in Translatn  (G1, W)  

Hnrs:French Lit in Translatn

HUMN 220:  3 s.h.  
German Literature in Transltn  (G1, W)  

German masterpieces taught in English by an instructor of German. Designed primarily as an elective for nonmajors with interest in foreign literature. May be selected by B.A. majors with consent of adviser to fulfill humanities course requirements. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: ENGL 110.

HUMN 220H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs:German Lit in Translatn  (G1, W)  

Hnrs:German Lit in Translatn

HUMN 230:  3 s.h.  
Amish and Other PA Dutch  (G1)  

The Amish and other Pennsylvania Germans, their history, culture, language and lifestyle, with emphasis on Lancaster County, Pa. Student written and oral reports on historical sites, museums and other subjects. Offered infrequently.

HUMN 280:  3 s.h.  
Spanish Literature in English  (G1)  

Outstanding Spanish and Spanish-American literary works. Course taught in English by an instructor of Spanish. Offered periodically.

HUMN 280H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs:Spanish Lit in English  

Hnrs:Spanish Lit in English

HUMN 370:  3 s.h.  
Russian Folk Culture  (P)  

An examination of Russian culture up to about 1700 with Peter the Great’s moves toward Westernization; the essence and foundations of the Russian worldview as conditioned by events and as reflected in religion, arts and crafts, folklore, oral and written literature, daily life and rites of passage. Requirements include a crafts project, papers on aspects of folklore and literature, and written examination. A useful course for education majors. Knowledge of Russian is not required. Offered infrequently. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110, junior status.

HUMN 380:  3 s.h.  
Latino Issues of Identity  (P)  

Critically examines a variety of poetry, fiction, short stories and essays produced by U.S. Latino/a writers and artists. Analysis of films and newspaper clippings related to the Latino experience will be discussed. Texts examined will be approached not as isolated words on a page, but as part of a living culture with a rich historical context. Interdisciplinary in nature, combining literature with history and cultural studies, but also comparative, since the diversity of cultures will be explored under the rubric of “Latino,” which includes Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Cubans and Dominicans, among others. Knowledge of Spanish not necessary. Offered periodically. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110, junior status.

HUMN 391:  3 s.h.  
Topics:  (G1, W)  

In-depth investigation and development of a topic of current interest not covered in regularly scheduled courses. The topics will vary according to the needs and interest of the students and the faculty involved. Specific topics will be identified by the subtitles each time the course is offered. Course may be taken for credit each time the content (subtitle) is different. Offered periodically. Prereq: ENGL 110.

HUMN 391H:  3 s.h.  
Honors Topics:  (G1, W)  
HUMN 479:  3 s.h.  


HUMN 498:  1-3 s.h.  
Independent Study  

Independent Study for Humanities (Foreign Languages) - non-language area study.