Academic Catalog

Psychology (PSYC)

PSYC 100:  3 s.h.  
General Psychology  (G3)  

An introduction to the study of behavior and mental activity, including such aspects as motivation, emotions, sensation and perception, individual differences, the nervous system, learning and personality with a view of understanding behavior.

PSYC 100H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs:General Psychology  (G3)  

Hnrs:General Psychology

PSYC 179:  3 s.h.  


PSYC 205:  3 s.h.  
Psychology Misconceptions  (G3, W)  

This course will provide an introduction to the some of the most popular and persistent misconceptions in Psychology. These misconceptions will cut across sub-disciplines within Psychology, to include clinical, cognitive, and social psychology, as a few examples. The origin as of these myths will be explored, as well as how they are seen today in the popular media, in practice, in education, and in research domains. The implications of the myths will also be considered. The course will also address how to effectively combat these myths. Prerequisites: PSYC 100 and ENGL 110

PSYC 211:  4 s.h.  
Principles of Statistics and Experimental Design 1  (W)  

An introduction to research methods and design and to statistical analysis of psychological data. 3 hrs. lec., 2 hrs. lab. Prereq: ENGL 110, PSYC 100 and MATH 101, 105, 204 or 130 with a minimum grade of C- or math placement into MATH 130 or above.

PSYC 212:  4 s.h.  
Principles of Statistics and Experimental Design 2  

A study of standard experimental designs and statistical procedures widely used in psychological research. 3 hrs. lec., 2 hrs. lab. Prereq: PSYC 211 with a grade of C- or higher and MATH 130 (or higher) with a grade of C- or higher.

PSYC 215:  3 s.h.  
Intro to Physiological Psychology  

Serves as an introduction to the nervous systemin relation to cognition and behavior. It will begin at the cellular level, building up to the systems level. Offered fall, spring. Prereq: BPE 100 or BIO 100 or 101 and PSYC 100.

PSYC 216:  3 s.h.  
Intro Learn Beh Analysis  

This course provides an introduction to the field of Behavior Analysis, and covers the basic principles of conditioning, learning, and behavior change derived from the experimental literature. Topics include an introduction to the philosophy of Radical Behaviorism, historical development of the field, single-subject experimental design and data analysis, and principles of respondent and operant conditioning. Prereq: PSYC 100

PSYC 227:  3 s.h.  
Development of the Child and Adolescent  (G3)  

A study of the theory and research pertaining to the growth, development and behavior of children through adolescence. Prereq: PSYC 100. No course credit given if credit earned for separate course in child psychology or adolescent psychology. No credit given if credit earned for PSYC 228. PSYC Majors may only count one of PSYC 227, 228 or 229 as a core elective.

PSYC 227H:  3 s.h.  
Hnrs:Devel Child and Adolescnt  (G3)  

Hnrs:Devel Child and Adolescnt

PSYC 228:  3 s.h.  
Life Span Human Development  (G3)  

A focus upon the major stages of human development, beginning with infancy and continuing through the developmental changes of childhood, adolescence and adulthood through to old age and death. Cognitive and psychosocial aspects of human development are emphasized. Offered Periodically. Prereq: ENGL 110 and PSYC 100. No credit given if credit earned for PSYC 227 or 229. PSYC Majors may only count one of PSYC 227, 228 or 229 as a core elective.

PSYC 229:  3 s.h.  
Psychology of Aging  (G3)  

An examination of the years of advanced age, beginning with the typical retirement age. Focuses on physical, cognitive and social-emotional development. Offered periodically. Prereq: PSYC 100. No credit given if credit earned for PSYC 228. PSYC Majors may only count one of PSYC 227, 228 or 229 as a core elective.

PSYC 234:  3 s.h.  
Human Relations  (G3)  

An examination of human interactions, both historically and currently, in diverse structures (e.g., family, social, educational, political, economic, etc.). Course content targets increased awareness and understanding of values, traditions and rites of dominant and minority groups and their effect upon interpersonal and intergroup relations. Offered periodically.

PSYC 246:  3 s.h.  
Evolutionary Psychology  

Reviews evolutionary theory, surveys research and, most importantly, explains how evolutionary psychology can be applied to disciplines with and beyond the field of psychology. Offered periodically. Prereq: BPE 100 or BIOL 100 or 101 and PSYC 211.

PSYC 256:  3 s.h.  
Psychology Human Adjustment  (D, G3)  

An examination of factors that shape personal and social behavior, with a focus on basic issues, problems and therapies as they relate to personal adjustment. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: ENGL 110 and PSYC 100.

PSYC 256H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Psych Human Adjustment  (G3)  
PSYC 279:  3 s.h.  


PSYC 300:  3-12 s.h.  
Co-Op Ed Experience in Psyc  

Cooperative Education in Psychology

PSYC 311:  3 s.h.  
Psychology of Drug Addiction  (G3, W)  

An investigation of the problems associated with drug addiction. Evaluations of opiates, stimulants, barbiturates, depressants, hallucinogens, marijuana and alcohol, with consideration of the effects of these drugs on the individual. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: ENGL 110 and PSYC 227 or 228 or 229 or 234.

PSYC 311H:  3 s.h.  
H:Psychology of Drug Addiction  (G3, W)  
PSYC 314:  4 s.h.  
Adv. Lab Cognitive Psychology  

A laboratory course designed to examine the nature of human memory, perception and thought, and to provide an introduction to the techniques used to study these phenomena. 3 hrs. lec., 2 hrs. lab. Offered annually. Prereq: C- or higher in PSYC 211, 212 and 215.

PSYC 315:  4 s.h.  
Adv Lab Sensation & Perception  

A laboratory course designed to develop an understanding of the models and theories of the sensory and perceptual systems. 3 hrs. lec., 2 hrs. lab. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: C- or higher in PSYC 211, 212 and 215.

PSYC 316:  4 s.h.  
Adv Lab Learn Beh Analysis  

A theoretical laboratory course designed to investigate and apply the concepts of learning and motivation to both human and animal behavior. 3 hrs. lec., 2 hrs. lab. Offered annually. Prereq: C- or higher in PSYC 211, 212 and 216.

PSYC 317:  3 s.h.  
Social Psychology  

A review of the principles of social psychology derived from experimental study. Offered in spring. Offered in spring. Prereq: PSYC 100. PSYC 211 recommended.

PSYC 317H:  3 s.h.  
HNRS: Social Psychology  
PSYC 318:  3 s.h.  
Psychology of Racism  (D, P)  

Examination of individual and institutional racism in all its aspects, with an emphasis on the various psychological explanatory theories and supporting research as well as the various techniques for alleviating this problem. Additional overview of resultant effects on the victims. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110, PSYC 100 and junior status.

PSYC 318H:  3 s.h.  
H:Psychology of Racism  (D, P)  

Honors Psychology of Racism

PSYC 325:  3 s.h.  
Happiness and Well-Being  (D, P)  

This course will examine the constructs of happiness and well-being across multiple variables such as culture, environment, spirituality, and personal factors. Common myths and misconceptions will also be evaluated. Students will leave the course with a greater understanding of the science behind the constructs of happiness and well-being as well as strategies to apply in their own pursuit of living a fulfilling life. Junior status.

PSYC 325H:  3 s.h.  
Happiness and Well-Being  (D, P)  

Honors Happiness and Well-Being

PSYC 326:  3 s.h.  
Human-Animal Bond  

The course will introduce students to the interaction between human and animals with emphasis on the bond between people and their pets. The course will provide an overview of the social, emotional, and psychological implications of pet ownership including attachment and pet loss. The use of companion animals in education, healthcare and clinical settings will be covered as well as the connection between animal maltreatment and interpersonal violence. A service learning project involving contact with companion animals is required. Prereq: PSYC 100 and PSYC 211

PSYC 327:  4 s.h.  
Adv Lab in Developmental Science  

Examines advanced topics in child and adolescent development in depth through the application of experimental and nonexperimental research approaches an through critical reading of the research literature. 3 hrs. lec., 2 hrs. lab. Offered annually. Prereq: C- or higher in PSYC 211, 212 and 227 or 228.Submission of satisfactory FBI, Act 34/151 clearances required prior to the start of the course, but not for registration.

PSYC 328:  3 s.h.  
Psycholgy and Religion  (P)  

An exploration of psychological and religious questions, issues and processes in the search to give meaning to one’s personal and shared journey. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110, PSYC 100 and junior status.

PSYC 329:  3 s.h.  
Industrial Psychology  (G3, W)  

A study of research and applications of psychology to the work setting. Knowledge of the psychological processes of learning, motivation, perception and assessment is used to analyze selection, training, work design and performance. Offered annually. Prereq: ENGL 110 and PSYC 100 and MATH 130, 235 or PSYC 211.

PSYC 329H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Industrial Psychology  (G3, W)  
PSYC 335:  3 s.h.  
Personality Theory  (G3)  

An introduction to historic and contemporary theories of the human personality. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: PSYC 100.

PSYC 335H:  3 s.h.  
H:Personality Theory  (G3)  
PSYC 337:  3 s.h.  
Abnormal Psychology  (G3, W)  

A comprehensive study of the etiology, characteristics and treatment in the categories of abnormal behavioral manifestation. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: ENGL 110 and PSYC 100.

PSYC 337H:  3 s.h.  
H:Abnormal Psychology  (G3, W)  
PSYC 346:  3 s.h.  
Applied Behavior Analysis  

An examination of theory, research and techniques related to the applied behavior analysis, with special emphasis placed on the application in a variety of settings (e.g., family, school and industry). Prereq: PSYC 100.

PSYC 346H:  3 s.h.  
H: Applied Behavior Analysis  

Honors Applied Behavioral Analysis.

PSYC 350:  3 s.h.  
Cognitive Science  (P)  

Basic introduction to cognitive science. Reviews attempts to understand cognition using insights from psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, linguistics and the neurosciences. Examines the synthesis of those attempts in the emergent field of cognitive science. Offered periodically. Prereq: COMM 100, ENGL 110 and junior status.

PSYC 350H:  3 s.h.  
H: Cognitive Science  (P)  
PSYC 356:  3 s.h.  
Health Psychology  

A review of research and theory linking psychological factors to health. Discussion of psychosocial aspects of health behavior, pain, stress and the impact on biological systems. Evaluation of psychological and behavior interventions for health behavior change and chronic illness. Offered in fall. Prereq: PSYC 100 and PSYC 227 or 228 or 229 or 234 or 256.

PSYC 357:  3 s.h.  

This survey course will provide a thoughtful and comprehensive introduction to the field of human neuropsychology, including the history, methods, and logic of neuropsychological investigations. Prereq: BIOL 100 or BIOL 101 and PSYC 211.

PSYC 357H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Neuropsychology  
PSYC 365:  3 s.h.  
Human Memory  

This survey course will provide a scientific introduction to human memory. The structure and processes of human memory will be covered, There will be consideration of the current and past research, as well as models on memory. Prereq: BIOL 100 or 101 and PSYC 211.

PSYC 379:  1-4 s.h.  


PSYC 400:  3-12 s.h.  
Co-Op Ed Experience in Psyc  

Cooperative Education in Psychology

PSYC 403:  3 s.h.  
Family Systems  

An investigation of the impact of the multigenerational family system on the individual. Assessment of functional and dysfunctional family systems. Emphasis upon theorists and their orientations and intervention strategies. Offered periodically. Prereq: PSYC 100 and junior or senior standing.

PSYC 415:  3 s.h.  
Advanced Physiological Psych  

A systematic examination of the nervous and sensory systems and their regulation of human behavior. May not be used in place of PSYC 314, 315 or 316 to fulfill the advanced laboratory requirement. Offered Periodically. Prereq: PSYC 100 and one course in biology. Chemistry helpful. Junior or senior standing.

PSYC 417:  3 s.h.  
Tests and Measurements  

An introduction to the basic principles of psychological testing and measurement. Focus is upon issues in test construction and design, evaluations of psychometric properties and applications of tests in various fields of psychology. Offered in fall or spring. Prereq: PSYC 211 or permission of instructor.

PSYC 427:  3 s.h.  
Childhood Disorders  

An in-depth look at major childhood psychological disorders. Diagnostic criteria, etiology and developmental progression presented. Introduction to diagnostic assessment techniques and commonly used interventions. Offered annually. Prereq: PSYC 100 and PSYC 227 or 228, junior/senior status.

PSYC 427H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Childhood Disorders  
PSYC 447:  3 s.h.  
Counseling Strategies  

An introduction to the process and practice of counseling. Emphasis is placed on learning counseling theories and on counseling skills. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: PSYC 100. Junior or Senior status.

PSYC 447H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Counseling Strategies  
PSYC 454:  3 s.h.  
History and Systems of Psych  

Study of the development of psychology from a branch of philosophy to a modern science. Offered periodically. Prereq: PSYC 100 and junior or senior standing. Must have earned 75 credits and be enrolled/have taken the advanced lab to count for capstone requirement.

PSYC 455:  1-3 s.h.  
Seminar in Psychology  

An advanced course devoted to critical analysis of student and professional research using staff consultant leadership. Offered periodically. Prereq: junior/senior psychology majors only and permission of instructor.

PSYC 462:  3 s.h.  
Art, Music and Written Word  (P)  

Study of psychological processes involved in the production and experience of music, art and literature coupled with a review of psychological theories of human creativity. Key principles within the domain of psychology will be illustrated and explored through the study of the works of artists, musicians and writers. Offered annually. Prereq: PSYC 100, COMM 100, ENGL 110 and junior status. PSYC 335 recommended.

PSYC 462H:  3 s.h.  
Hon: Art, Music, Written Wrd  (P)  
PSYC 479:  1-4 s.h.  


PSYC 483:  3 s.h.  
Applied Ethology  

An introduction to applied animal behavior, including (1) the behavior of companion animals, animals in zoos & aquaria, animals in labs, and animals in agriculture/aquaculture; (2) animal welfare, (3) ethical issues in animal use, (4) methods of training captive animals, and (5) career options and certifications in animal behavior. 3 hrs lecture. Offered periodically. Prereq: PSYC 316 or BIOL 385; PSYC 300 or BIOL 300 or PSYC 495; Senior standing or permission of instructor. Students cannot also earn credit in BIOL 483.

PSYC 489:  1-4 s.h.  
Honors Course  

For the definition of departmental honors and eligibility, refer to the Academic Policies section of this catalog.

PSYC 490:  1 s.h.  
Honors Seminar  

Examination and discussion of current research issues in psychology. May be taken a maximum of three times. Enrollment limited to students with at least 45 s.h. who are applying to the psychology department honors program and to those already admitted to that program. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: permission of instructor.

PSYC 495:  1-6 s.h.  
Directed Projects in Psych  

Supervised field experience involving the application of psychological principles. Junior or senior standing. Offered in fall, spring. Prereq: permission of instructor. Insurance and recent clearances (Act 34/ Act 151/FBI clearances and TB test results) may be required depending on the setting.

PSYC 496:  1-4 s.h.  
Topics In Psychology  

Detailed investigation of a topic of current research interest. Topic to be announced each time course is offered. Credit and meeting hours variable, depending on topic offered. May be taken more than once for credit as topic varies. Offered periodically. Prereq: junior or senior standing and permission of instructor.

PSYC 498:  1-4 s.h.  
Independent Study in Psych  

For further information on independent study, see the Special Academic Opportunities section of this catalog.

PSYC 499:  1-4 s.h.  
Departmental Honors  

For the definition of departmental honors and eligibility, refer to the Academic Policies section of this catalog.

PSYC 505:  3 s.h.  
Recent Developments in Psych  

Contemporary issues in psychology examined through a critical review of current research, theory and practice. Designed to provide students with opportunities for independent study in areas where basic competencies are weak, or in areas of special interest. Offered periodically.

PSYC 511:  3 s.h.  
Substance-Related Disorders  

Focus on current treatment approaches to substance-related disorders. Following a review of specific psychoactive drugs and their impact on physical and psychological function, theoretical orientations and their application to clinical scenarios will be discussed. Diagnostic issues, assessment techniques and currently accepted intervention techniques will be covered. Special populations involving gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and comorbidity will be highlighted. Offered periodically.

PSYC 515:  3 s.h.  
Physiological Psychology  

A systematic examination of the nervous and sensory systems and their regulation of human behavior. Basic knowledge of biology and chemistry is essential. Offered annually.

PSYC 517:  3 s.h.  
Tests and Measurements  

Introduction to basic principles of psychological testing and measurements. Issues in test construction and design, evaluation of psychometric properties, and applications of tests in various fields of psychology. Offered annually.

PSYC 525:  3 s.h.  
Advanced Child Psychology  

In-depth examination of human development, with emphasis on birth through adolescence. Presentation of current accounts characterizing development in various domains (physical, cognitive, social, moral, psychosexual) and critical reviews of theoretical attempts to explain the process of development. Offered annually.

PSYC 526:  3 s.h.  
Advanced Adolescent Psychology  

Personal and environmental forces that are dynamic in the behavior of adolescents. Emphasis is given to the family, school and community aspects of adolescent behavior. Recent developments in adolescent psychology and adolescent development are emphasized. Offered annually.

PSYC 527:  3 s.h.  
Childhood Disorders  

Childhood Disorders provides an in-depth look at psychological disorders that occur in childhood. Students will learn the diagnostic criteria, etiology and developmental progression of childhood disorders. Students will also be exposed to assessment techniques that can be used to diagnose the disorders such as observation and data collection systems. An overview of interventions used in childhood will also be presented and students will learn how to identify empirically based interventions.

PSYC 530:  3 s.h.  
Child Development within the Family System  

Theory and research on the development of cognitive, emotional, linguistic, psychosexual and moral systems in the child. Emphasis on the impact of family structure and dynamics on the developing child.

PSYC 536:  3 s.h.  
Applications of Biopsychology  

Survey of current topics. Includes psychotropic drugs, neuropsychological assessment and treatment. Emphasis on clinical applications and knowledge base to enable referrals/coordination with related psychiatry/neurology professionals.. Offered annually.

PSYC 537:  3 s.h.  
Ethics and Professional Practice  

This course combines ethics education with an introduction to clinical psychology and counseling. Ethical standards of psychologists and counselors and an ethical decision-making model will be applied to moral ethical and legal dilemmas in clinical practice. The historical development of clinical psychology, its major theoretical perspectives and empirically supported treatments will be reviewed. Offered annually.

PSYC 540:  3 s.h.  
Applied Behavior Analysis in a MTSS  

Student behavior, both behavioral and academic, is a function of school, classroom, and individual factors. This course will focus on the impact of behavioral interventions delivered using multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) frameworks. Applied behavioral analysis will be thoroughly covered. Students will conduct single subject design research to determine the effectiveness of empirically based interventions on a child's behavior. School-wide behavior supports, as well as classroom management strategies, which impact on student discipline, will also be reviewed. Classroom behaviors will be examined within the context of the culture of the school and the community in which the school resides. This course is geared towards educators who consult with school personnel to solve educational problems, e.g., school psychologists and school counselors. The content will be useful, however, for professionals who work to increase functional behaviors in their clients. Offered in fall.

PSYC 546:  3 s.h.  
Learning Theory  

Review of behavioral approaches to learning such as operant and classical conditioning, and observational learning. Cognitive and ethological challenges to behavioral theories will be considered. Includes information-processing models of learning.

PSYC 547:  3 s.h.  
Applied Social Psychology  

Examines the effects of social psychological factors on various clinical issues, including racial-ethnic and cultural issues, the development and maintenance of maladaptive behaviors, clinical judgment, relationship between clinician/school psychologist and client, and the outcome of intervention. Offered in fall.

PSYC 586:  1-4 s.h.  
Topics in Psychology  

Investigate and develop one or more topics of current interest not normally covered in regular psychology courses. Special topics and methods used to investigate the topics will vary according to the needs of psychology students and faculty. Offered periodically.

PSYC 587:  1-4 s.h.  
Topics in Psychology  

Investigate and develop one or more topics of current interest not normally covered in regular psychology courses. Special topics and methods used to investigate the topics will vary according to the needs of psychology students and faculty. Offered periodically.

PSYC 588:  1-4 s.h.  
Topics in Psychology  

Investigate and develop one or more topics of current interest not normally covered in regular psychology courses. Special topics and methods used to investigate the topics will vary according to the needs of psychology students and faculty. Offered periodically.

PSYC 589:  1-4 s.h.  
Topics in Psychology  

Investigate and develop one or more topics of current interest not normally covered in regular psychology courses. Special topics and methods used to investigate the topics will vary according to the needs of psychology students and faculty. Offered periodically.

PSYC 600:  3 s.h.  
Professional Seminar  

The philosophy, administrative arrangements, responsibilities and general functions of a school psychologist. Emphasis on research information relating to skills and techniques used by psychologists in the prevention and remediation process as they apply to schoolchildren. Firsthand experience in the functions of a school psychologist through field visitations and planned seminars. Schedule near the beginning of the program. Offered annually.

PSYC 612:  3 s.h.  
Research Design & Statistical Analysis  

This course is designed to develop and extend skills in the interpretation of psychological research. Understanding the relationships between research methods, statistical procedures and interpretation is emphasized. Offered in fall and spring.

PSYC 625:  3 s.h.  
Human Growth and Development  

A comprehensive study of growth and development with a life-span perspective. Physical growth and maturation, social development, emotional and personal development, and cognitive development. Special projects in the field of student’s interest. Offered annually.

PSYC 626:  3 s.h.  
Trauma Treatment  

Provides an overview of the conceptual and empirical foundations of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the neurobiology of stress and an overview evidence-based trauma treatments. Protocols for trauma assessment, cognitive-behavioral and contextual case formulation and treatment methods will be reviewed. Strategies for psychoeducation, treatment engagement, emotional regulation, exposure and relapse prevention will be emphasized.

PSYC 630:  3 s.h.  
Group Work: Theory & Intervention  

Reviews major theories of group therapy and concepts related to group formation and dynamics. Develops skills through role playing interventions from diverse schools of group therapy. Reviews current research on the effectiveness of support, counseling and therapy group treatment for various mental health and/or substance use disorders. (Offered fall and spring)

PSYC 631:  3 s.h.  
Psychotherapy and Intervention Skills  

Intensive supervised training in effective helping skills, including listening and responding skills, relationship enhancement, interview skills and active interventions. Students receive supervision of videotaped counseling with clients.

PSYC 632:  3 s.h.  
Group Cnslng and Psychotherapy  

Development of skills and awareness necessary for successful functioning as a facilitator of groups or as a group leader. Methods include participation in an encounter group, role playing, analyses of nonverbal communication, and reflective listening. Offered annually.

PSYC 633:  3 s.h.  
Systems of Psychotherapy  

Reviews the major paradigms in psychotherapy using a trans-theoretical model. Major paradigms include: psychoanalytic/psychodynamic; person-centered/existential; behavioral; cognitive; cognitive-behavioral; systems; gender sensitive, multicultural and third wave therapies. Application of theories through self-analysis and case studies will be emphasized along with the stages of change model and current research on the efficacy of these therapies.

PSYC 634:  4 s.h.  
Child Psychopathology and Intervention  

Introduces students to child and adolescent psychopathology and therapeutic interventions used with children and adolescents. Play therapy techniques with clinical child populations, process groups with adolescents and preadolescents, behavioral group therapy, adjunct parent counseling and cognitive-behavioral procedures are emphasized. Offered in summer.

PSYC 635:  3 s.h.  

Develops the ability to diagnose in traditional nosological fashion and to be able to discriminate from one another the various mental disorders contained in the DSM-IV. In addition to requiring the ability to diagnose the mental disorders, students will also be required to write diagnostic reports using DSM-IV multiaxial system. Offered annually.

PSYC 636:  3 s.h.  
Cognitive Therapy  

Basic principles and clinical applications of cognitive therapy. Use of role play, audiotapes and videotapes to help others identify and restructure thinking patterns and beliefs that contribute to personal and interpersonal conflicts and psychological disturbances. Offered annually.

PSYC 637:  3 s.h.  
Theories of Family Dynamics  

Reviews major systems of family therapy including structural, strategic, systems-based and other approaches and their application to a range of clinical and family development issues. Normal and dysfunctional family development, structure, roles, boundaries and functioning will also be reviewed. Prereq: Graduate program admission. Offered in summer.

PSYC 638:  3 s.h.  
Cognitive Behavioral Therapies  

Review models of common clinical problems and specific cognitive, behavioral and integrative techniques. Role play, videotape, in-class demonstrations and case materials will be used to provide hands-on experience. Students will incorporate cognitive-behavioral perspectives and interventions with clients. Offered annually.

PSYC 639:  3 s.h.  
Selected Therapies: Existential and Humanistic Therapies  

Surveys conceptual foundations and methods of classic and contemporary humanistic and existential psychotherapies and their practical application and implementation with a variety of clinical populations and presenting issues/needs. Students will employ this knowledge/perspective in case conceptualization and treatment planning, engage in case discussions and skills practice, explore supporting research and practical considerations, and critically examine implications for effective, sustainable, and contextually- and culturally-sensitive therapeutic practice. Prereq: Passed CCEs, PSYC 631 (for Clinical Psychology students) or instructor permission (for Social Work graduate students).

PSYC 646:  3 s.h.  

Explores the theoretically and practically applied aspects of consultation. School, instructional, behavioral, conjoint-behavioral, mental-health/consultee-centered, multicultural, and organizational models of consultation and coaching, as well as teleconsultation strategies, will be covered. Students will develop and implement individual consultation projects. Offered in fall.

PSYC 670:  4 s.h.  
Clinical Interviewing and Appraisal Skills  

Development of competencies in evidence-based interviewing and observation skills and in administration, scoring, interpretation, and application of diagnostic measures, mental status exams, and risk assessments. Students also are introduced to selected cognitive, personality, and behavioral assessment instruments. Students receive supervision of recorded sessions with clients and report writing. Insurance required and must pass CCE to enroll.

PSYC 671:  3 s.h.  
Cognitive Achve & Adapt Assess  

Introductory course in individual psychological evaluation, stressing practical experience in administering and interpreting individual psychological test batteries. Standardized intelligence tests are emphasized. Introduces special-purpose tests such as adaptive behavior assessment and brief achievement tests. Students administer tests and write reports under supervision. Prereq: Pass Core Competency Exams (CCE) and Insurance required. Offered in fall and spring.

PSYC 672:  3 s.h.  
Academic Assess & Intervention in MTSS  

Prepare students to assist schools in the provision of appropriate academic programming for children within the context of current federal and state regulations. A multi-tiered system of academic service delivery will be used as a framework for developing appropriate assessments. Students will learn to conduct assessments that answer academic referral questions, inform intervention design, and measure intervention integrity and effectiveness. Ecological and direct assessments will be discussed in depth. Solution-focused report writing skills utilizing an RTI/MTSS approach will be introduced and developed. Offered annually.

PSYC 673:  3 s.h.  
Personality Assessment  

An introduction to the administration, scoring, interpretation and application of personality-assessment instruments. Introduces objective tests, projective tests and behavioral assessment.

PSYC 674:  3 s.h.  
Assessment of English Language Learners  

A multicultural-issues class with focus on assessment and classification of culturally and linguistically diverse children. Prepares school psychologists and practitioners in the mental-health field to work with English language learners, make educational recommendations and help determine the extent to which child learning difficulties are related to limited English proficiency, cultural/ecological factors or learning disabilities. Learn assessment techniques, skills and strategies to be used with English language learners.

PSYC 675:  3 s.h.  
Behavioral Assessment Child/Adolescent  

This course is designed to develop skills in conducting assessments and developing treatment recommendations for students referred for behavioral/emotional difficulties. The purpose of this course is to provide training in the techniques of behavioral assessment including direct observation, interviews, checklists, rating scales, self-monitoring and other methods of assessment. A tiered model of service delivery will be used as a larger context for discussing assessment methods that may be used for universal screening and more individualized assessments.

PSYC 679:  1-4 s.h.  


PSYC 682:  1-9 s.h.  
Practicum/Internship in Clinical/Counseling Psychology  

Supervised practicum and internship experience in a field agency, hospital or clinic. Designed to develop the student's skillset to point of entry-level skills in the areas of assessment, counseling and staff participation. Students meet regularly with departmental and site supervisor. Schedule near end of program. The Internship/Practicum course must include 700 hours of supervised clinical experience (100 hours of practicum, 600 hours of internship). Experience must meet the requirements outlined by the current licensure law.

PSYC 685:  3 s.h.  
Practicum and Seminar in School Psychology  

Sequential, supervised experiences in field settings working with children of preschool and school age. Students complete a comprehensive case study. Students meet regularly with University supervisor both individually and in seminars. Offered annually.

PSYC 686:  3-9 s.h.  
Internship and Seminar in School Psychology  

Yearlong, extensive supervised clinical and field experiences in all domains of school psychology. Students meet regularly with University supervisor both individually and in seminars. Schedule in last year of program. Offered annually. Pre-requisites: All other M.S., Psychology, School coursework and Ed.S. coursework must be completed before internship. Professional liability insurance required. Updated clearances (ACT 34/ACT114/ACT151 and TB test results), which must be valid for the entire semester, must be on record with Field Services by the deadline. Follow the submission procedure and deadlines outlined by Field Services or you will be dropped from the class.

PSYC 691:  1-3 s.h.  
Ind Stdy:  
PSYC 696:  3 s.h.  
Research Methods in Psychology  

Introduction to, and application of, advanced methods of psychological research. Emphasis placed upon the development and practice of research skills as preparation for conducting original research for a thesis.

PSYC 699:  3,6 s.h.  

Student designs and conducts research in an appropriate area in psychology. The results and interpretation are presented in a written thesis. The entire process is guided by the research adviser.

PSYC 799:  3,6 s.h.  
Pract Supervision  

Field experience in the various activities performed by supervisors of psychological services. The student plans a relevant program of practical experiences, based on the comprehensive role of the supervisor of psychological services, in conjunction with the University supervisor.