University Administration
President of the University, Daniel A. Wubah, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Gail Gasparich, Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Academic Administration, James A. Delle, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Institutional Assessment and Planning, Carole E. Runge, D.M.
Dean, College of Education and Human Services, Lara Willox, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, College of Education and Human Services, Marcia V. Bolton, Ed.D.
Dean, College of Science and Technology, Marc A. Harris, Ph.D.
Dean, Lombardo College of Business, Marc Tomljanovich, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Ieva Zake, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Graduate Studies and Adult Learning, James A. Delle, Ph.D.
Vice President for Advancement, Victor E. Ramos, M.B.A.
Vice President for Finance and Administration/CFO, Nafez Alyan, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs, Mary Beth E. Williams, Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Student Success & Dean of University College, Dr. Rachel Finley-Bowman, Ph.D.
Associate VP for Grants Sponsored Programs & Research, Mr. Jeffry B. Porter
Associate Vice President and Dean of Admissions, Enrollment Management, Douglas Zander, Ed.D.