The Department of Physics offers several programs leading to the baccalaureate degree with a major in physics. The course structure recommended by the department is essentially identical during the first two years of all programs so that a revision in a student’s plan need not involve any loss of time.
The Bachelor of Science degree in physics involves the greatest depth in physics and mathematics. This program prepares the student for employment in a technical position upon graduation and also provides a solid foundation for entrance into a graduate program in physics or other technical field.
In addition to the 3/2 arrangement with Penn State, Millersville has three other cooperative programs. One of these is a 4/2 program with Penn State. A student studies for four years at Millersville and earns a B.S. degree in physics. After transferring to Penn State, in two years the student earns a master’s degree from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics. In practice, it is possible to complete this program in less than two years. Up to six undergraduate credits at the 400 level in physics or mathematics may be transferred as graduate credit towards the master’s degree at Penn State. Summer research programs at Penn State are also available and can generate graduate credit in this program. Consequently a student can finish the graduate portion of this program in a year and a half.
The B.S. Ed. program in secondary education prepares students for careers in precollege teaching, providing certification in physics.
The cooperative education program in physics is an optional arrangement whereby students combine practical on-the-job experience with their formal classroom instruction. After the first year, the co-op program is available to all physics majors who satisfy the departmental admission requirements. For more information, see Cooperative Education in the Special Academic Opportunities section.
Outstanding students majoring in physics may pursue departmental honors during their senior year. Participation in the departmental honors program is highly selective and offers students in each of our major programs an opportunity to strengthen their background in physics and to work closely with a faculty mentor on an extended research project. General information on departmental honors is found in the Special Academic Opportunities section of this catalog. Specific requirements for honors in each of our major programs are available from the department chairperson.
Two minor programs are also available for students who do not elect to major in physics. The physics minor offers students an exposure to physics through the intermediate level of our major program. In addition, there is also available an interdisciplinary minor in physics and earth sciences.
The department has prepared a student handbook which provides more detailed information on our programs, faculty and resources. This handbook, as well as additional information on any of the above programs, is available from the physics department
the faculty
Dushkina, Natalia; Professor
College of Science and Technology
B.S., University of Sofia (Bulgaria), 1984; M.S., Ibid., 1984; Ph.D., Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1993
Gilani, Tariq; Professor
College of Science and Technology
B.Sc., University of the Punjab (Pakistan), 1986; M.Sc., Ibid., 1989; M.S., Quaid-i-Azam University (Pakistan), 1991; Ph.D., Kyoto University (Japan), 1997
Goksu, Mehmet; Professor
College of Science and Technology
B.S., Istanbul Technical University (Turkey), 1991; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, 2002
Hendrick, Sean; Associate Professor
College of Science and Technology
B.A., University of Virginia, 1994; Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 2003
Li, Xin; Associate Professor
College of Science and Technology
B.Sc., Beijing Institute of Tech., 2006; M.S., Ibid., 2008, M.S., Mississippi State University, 2008; M.S., Ibid., 2011; Ph.D., Ibid., 2010
Uy, Zenaida; Professor
College of Science and Technology
B.S., University of the Philippines, 1964; M.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1969; Ph.D., Ibid., 1972
the courses
An elementary treatment of fundamental concepts of classical and modern physics. Selected examples from classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, relativity and quantum mechanics. The solving of numerical problems is de-emphasized. 3 hr. lec. and discussion. No credit in block G2 for majors in the School of Science and Mathematics. Credit will be granted for only one of the courses: PHYS 101, 103 or 104. Offered in spring. Prereq: MATH placement at the 100 level or above.
An elementary treatment of fundamental concepts of classical and modern physics. Selected examples from classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, relativity and quantum mechanics. The solving of numerical problems is de-emphasized. 3 hrs. lec., 2 hrs. lab. No credit in block G2 for majors in the following departments: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Math or Physics. Credit will be granted for only one of the courses: PHYS 101, 103 or 104. Offered in fall, periodically in spring.
A study of the application of mathematics to practical problems in physics, using Newtonian ideas, and emphasizing applications to devices such as machines and engines, and systems such as electrical circuits. 3 hrs. lec., 2 hrs. lab. No credit in block G2 for majors in the School of Science and Mathematics. Credit will be granted for only one of the courses: PHYS 101, 103 or 104. Offered in spring. Prereq: math placement at the 100 level or above.
Astronomy for a general audience; emphasis on the physical nature of the universe. Terrestrial astronomy, light, telescopes, spectra, stars, stellar evolution, galaxies, cosmology, the solar system. 3 hrs. lec. and discussion. No credit in block G2 for majors in the School of Science and Mathematics. Offered in fall, spring.
An introductory algebra-based course. Fundamental laws and properties of matter, mechanics and heat. Problems dealing with these laws. 3 hrs. lec., 1 hr. recitation and 2 hrs. lab. Prereq: MATH 101 or MPT score sufficient for the student to enroll in MATH courses above MATH 110. Offered fall, summer.
An overview of the history, practice, philosophy and unity of physics and its application to other disciplines, orienting beginning physics majors to the study of physics. Mandatory for, and only open to, physics majors in their freshman year. 1 hr. discussion. Offered in fall.
Intended for musicians dealing with the physical nature of sound and sound sources, and the relation of these to music and musical instruments. The use of mathematics is kept to a minimum. 2 hrs. lec., recitation, 2 hrs. lab. Offered in spring. Prereq: MUSI 112.
The ideas of introductory physics in extended depth, in the language of calculus, using problems, laboratory exercises, readings and discussion. Grades of B- or higher in both PHYS 231 and PHYS 230H will result in honors designation for the pair. The pair of courses counts as one entry in the science component of the curriculum record form and results in six hours of general education credit. Coreq: Concurrent registration in PHYS 231 required and either good standing in the Honors College or a 3.35 GPA or permission of instructor.
An introductory course in classical physics dealing with mechanics, fluids, waves and thermodynamics. 3 hrs. lec., 1 hr. recitation, one 3-hr. lab. Offered in fall, spring, summer. Prereq: C- or higher in MATH 161.
Experimental Course for Honors Credit
Co-Op Ed Experience in Physics
The history of the mechanization of the world picture. A study of physics in the evolution of Western civilization and thought relating the impact of the Newtonian revolution on technology, society and thought. 3 hrs. lec. and discussion. Offered periodically. Prereq: a physical science course, COMM 100, ENGL 110 and junior status.
H:Phys and Evol of West Civ
Lectures, problems and demonstrations developing the fundamental principles and concepts of classical mechanics, including Newton’s laws of motion in three dimensions, conservation laws, linear and nonlinear oscillating systems, gravitation and central force problems. 3 hrs. lec. Offered in fall. Prereq: C- or higher in PHYS 232. Coreq: MATH 365.
An overview of astronomy and astrophysics for students majoring in the sciences or mathematics, emphasizing selected areas such as terrestrial astronomy, celestial mechanics, stellar evolution, cosmology and the solar system. 3 hrs. lec. Offered in fall of odd years. Prereq: a year of collegelevel physics and calculus.
Lab-based course in physical optics, including applications of geometrical optics such as image formation by mirrors and lenses, microscopy, reflection, refraction, and basic phenomena in wave and quantum optics such as interference, diffraction, color mixing and filtration, polarization, birefringence, absorption, dispersion, scattering, laser properties and laser application. 1 hr. lec., 3 hrs. lab. Offered in fall. Prereq: PHYS 232 or PHYS 132 and MATH 211.
Lectures, problems and demonstrations which develop the basic ideas of classical continuum physics and the macroscopic behavior of solids, liquids and gases, including an introduction to fluid dynamics, stress-strain relationships in solids, electric and magnetic properties of materials, phase transitions, superconductivity and the classical laws of thermodynamics. 3 hrs. lec. and discussion. Offered in spring. Prereq: C- or higher in PHYS 232. Coreq: MATH 311.
Symbolic computational methods involving procedural, functional, rule-based programming and pattern matching using the graphical and numerical capabilities of Mathematica or other integrated mathematical software systems, with applications to a broad range of computationally challenging problems in physics. Offered in fall of odd years. Prereq: PHYS 233. Coreq: PHYS 311 and MATH 365.
Introduction to digital electronics and microprocessors. Design and analysis of combinatorial and sequential digital circuits, microcomputer interfacing and assembly programming. Two 3-hr. labs. Offered infrequently. Prereq: CSCI 140 or permission of instructor.
Co-Op Ed Experience in Physics
Classical and quantum analyses of solid matter. Topics include crystal structure, the reciprocal lattice and X-ray diffraction; mechanical propertiesphonons; semiclassical analysis of electrical and magnetic properties of insulators and metals; electron band theory of metals, insulators and semiconductors. 3 hrs. lec. Offered in spring of odd years. Prereq: PHYS 335.
Lectures, problems, and computer simulations developing the fundamental principles of classical and quantum statistical mechanics. Subjects include probability theory, the foundations of ensemble development, and their application to classical, Fermi, and Bose systems. Of special interest is the phenomenology of phase transitions and the modern development of the renormalization group. Prereq: PHYS 334.
Selected experiments in classical and modern physics, with opportunities to apply sophisticated techniques to extended experimental problems. Prereq: PHYS 352.
An introduction to formal quantum theory in terms of operators in Hilbert space and Dirac notations which will be used in finding the solutions of eigenvalue problems of several potentials, addition of angular momenta, dynamics of spin 1/2 particle, and introduction to perturbation theory. Prereq: PHYS 233, MATH 322, and MATH 365 or permission of instructor. Offered fall of even year.
Honors Course
Selected topics chosen from the areas across physics including astronomy and astrophysics, classical physics, theoretical physics, applied physics, and modern physics. Permission of instructor. Offered infrequently.
Departmental Honors
Co-Op Ed Expereince in Physics