Technology & Engineering Education (K-12), B.S.Ed.
The three themes of professional education at Millersville are supported and implemented, including engagement in learning communities of inquiry and action, a focus on students and demonstration of exemplary professional practices. Professional dispositions are developed and assessed in communicating professionally, demonstrating professional growth, demonstrating professional relationships, exhibiting attributes suitable to the profession, and displaying responsible and ethical behavior.
TECE majors are broadly prepared in general education, technology and engineering, and professional teacher education. Emphasis is on understanding, applying, managing and assessing design, biorelated, communication, energy and power, transportation and production technologies. Students may specialize in a technical area of their choice and must devote one semester to full-time student teaching in a public school.
An advisory committee of technology and engineering education teachers and supervisors assists with providing program relevancy. This program is accredited and nationally recognized as an outstanding technology teacher education program by the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association/Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education.