English, B.A. - Writing Studies
The Writing Studies option in the English B.A. allows students to pursue concentrated study in the discipline of writing, specializing in sub-fields such as the history of rhetoric and composition, literacy, theories of writing pedagogy, and writing and multi-media.
Major in English, BA
Option in Writing Studies - See separate block
Students may elect to declare an option in Comparative Literature, ESL/Linguistics, Film Studies, or Writing Studies. This is not required.
Total hours12 hours -
Option in Writing Studies
The Craft of Writing: Argumentation & Stylistics3 hours
The Craft of Writing
Rhetorical Analysis or Reading/Writing for Civic Change - Choose 1 of the following:3 hours
Rhetorical Analysis
Reading/Writing for Civic Chng
Rhetoric and Games or Rhetoric of Marginalized Communities - Choose 1 of the following:3 hours
Writing and Gaming
Rhetoric of Marginalized Communities
Creative Writing or Literature Course - Choose 1 class from:
Creative Writing
Any 3-level ENGL course(s)
Any 4-level ENGL course(s)
Choose 1 of the following:3 hours
Writing and Gaming
Rhetorical Analysis
Reading/Writing for Civic Chng
Rhetoric of Marginalized Communities
Technical Writing
Web Writing
Science Writing
Creative Writing
Journlsm Thru Women's Prspctvs
Seminar in Teaching Writing
The internship (ENGL 400) is in addition to the required 3-credit internship and can be selected as a Capstone course after fulfilling the 3-credit internship requirement.
Digital Portfolio, Internship or Thesis - Choose 1 of the following:1–3 hours
Digital Portfolio
English Internship
Honors Course
Independent Study in English
Departmental Honors